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The Thames Deckway project

I have recently (Nov 2015) been interviewed by Anna Hill from the Thames Deckway Project.


From their website (Link below)























This is an interesting idea, not least because I am facinated how the project will overcome some fundamental obstacles.


I am afterall a river man, not an engineer


Here is the interview (my own edit, based on Anna's first edit)


Proposed as the first step in reinvigorating the river’s historical role as a major movement corridor is a unique concept for a floating pathway called the Thames Deckway. It complements Transport for London’s plan for a new east-west cycling route through central London on the river’s north side by running a similar route on the south side along the river itself.

Designed for commuter cyclists, leisure cyclists and pedestrians alike and completely traffic-free, it will potentially stretch for 12 kilometres along the river from Battersea to Canary Wharf, a distance that a fit cyclist can pedal in about 30 minutes. From either Battersea or Canary Wharf to the Thames Deckway’s prospective mid- point of the Millennium Bridge could take as little as 15 minutes on a bike.

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